Realization of packages: bronze package, silver package, gold package with this difference that here we work on-line.
In the age where there are computers, fast internet and thereby great communication on the distance, we have prepared for our customers, special program of cooperation – on line. To who we recommend it?
Foreign customers and clients who prefer cooperating on-line. Both of these groups have computers and connection to the network.
We use free skype line: login – il.senso and Google communicator, available for gmail users: login – We have of course phone contact, which can be found in the section contact.
How does on-line cooperation look?!
Client completes form, which can be found here, then he sends us information on our e-mail address (or xero using post/courier).
After gaining all crucial information, it is possible to start the project. In this package we base on the materials coming from the investor (plans, dimensions). After accepting all documentation, it is sent (electronic and paper version) to the client.
What does package cooperation on-line include?
It involves documentation depended on the chosen package: